I have watched this film entitled ‘The secret’ and alot of realizations and approvals have sunk into my mind on how does the secret really works in our daily lives and how we, ourselves could make it work, ,
The Power behind "the Secret". The Law of Attraction is an important part in the Secret of
Success, inasmuch as it tends to bring to us the things, persons and circumstances in
accordance with our earnest Desire, Demand, and Will, just as it brings together the atoms
and other particles of matter.
Make yourself an atom of Living Desire and you will attract
to yourself the person, things and circumstances fitting in with the accomplishment of your
You will also get into rapport with those who are working along the same lines of
thought, and will be attracted to them and they to you, and you will be brought into
relations with persons, things and environments likely to work out the problem of your
Desires – you will get “next to” the right persons and things - all by the operation of this
great natural Law of Attraction.
No Necromancy or Magic about it at all – nothing
supernatural or mysterious – just the operations of a great Natural Law.
How we secure what we Persistently Desire?
The fact that you have failed to get the lesser proves conclusively that you deserve the
greater. So therefore, dry those tears and go in search of the worthier prize.
Count nothing lost; even the day that sees (“no worthy action done”) may be a day of preparation and
accumulation that will add greatly to the achievements of tomorrow.
Many a day was made
famous because nothing was done the day before. Know what you want and continue to want it.
I assure you,, you will get it if you combine desire with faith. The power of desire when combined with
faith becomes invincible. This invincibility is the Law of Attraction. Some of the principal
reasons why so many fail to get what they want is because they do not definitely know what
they want or because they change their wants almost every day.
We should all know that the motive of the law of attraction is DESIRE, , ,
The purpose of desire is to inform man what he needs at every particular moment to supply
the demands of change and growth in his life; and in promoting that purpose, desire gives
expression to its two leading functions. The first of these is to give the forces of the
human system something definite to do, and the second is to arouse those forces or faculties
that have the natural power to do what is to be done.
In exercising its first function,
desire not only promotes concentration of action among the forces in man, but also causes
those forces to work for the thing that is wanted. Therefore, it is readily understood why
the wish, if strong, positive, determined and continuous, will tend to produce the thing
wished for.
If you can cause all the elements and powers in your being to work for the one thing that
you want you are almost certain to get it. In fact, you will get it unless it is so large
that it is beyond you, or beyond the power of your present capacity to produce; though in
that case you have exercised poor judgment; you have permitted yourself to desire what lies
outside of your sphere;
and what you could neither appreciate nor use were you to get it.
What you can appreciate, enjoy and use in your present sphere of existence, you have the
power, in your present state of development, to produce; that is, you can produce it if all
your power is applied in your effort to produce it; and when you desire any particular thing
with the full force and capacity of your desire you cause all your power to be applied in
producing that particular thing.
In exercising its second function, desire proceeds directly into that faculty or group of
forces that can, if fully applied, produce the very thing that is desired.
In its first function it tends to bring all the forces of the system together, and inspires
them with the desire to work for what is wanted. It acts upon the system in general and
gives everything in the system something definite to do, that something definite in each
case being the one thing desired. In its second function it acts upon certain parts of the
system in particular; always upon those parts that can do what is wanted done; and it tends
to arouse all the life and power that those particular parts may contain.
Hope you got something, as much as I got this real something, , ,