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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A “Secret Fear” That Keeps You Fat

Here’s a thought for the day…
“It’s not arrogant for a flower to bloom.”

I wish I came up with that myself, but I actually heard it third hand – a friend of mine got it from a teacher in her yoga class. The teacher was saying that realizing your full potential is something that embarrasses a lot of people…

Think about that for a moment. It may sound strange, but it’s very true. Nobody ever looks at a flower and thinks, “Wow that plant is so arrogant!  What a show off that plant is.”

But most people, especially women, feel like there is something embarrassing about even ADMITTING to the vision of what they want to be… or look like.

It sounds selfish and shallow to want to walk through the world as a beautiful person with a beautiful body. Somehow in our society there is this idea that if you want to be the very best YOU that you can be, it’s a little bit arrogant. As if you should be ashamed about wanting to really blossom into something beautiful and wonderful.

Society, your friends, maybe even your family, reinforce this negative idea. Think about this for a minute… really think about it:

How would your best friend feel if you suddenly started getting really into working on your health and body?

How would she feel if you really TRANSFORMED into somebody who was as beautiful and radiant on the outside as you already knew that you COULD BE?

Sure, your friend would be happy for you…
But also, unless your friend is a VERY special and evolved person, there would probably be some resentment that you’ve changed, that you’ve improved, that you’ve blossomed and realized your full potential… and she has not. It’s not evil, it doesn’t make her a bad friend.  It’s simply human nature.
But it’s very self-defeating.

And yet, as I said, nobody ever thinks a flower is arrogant or a show off when it blooms into radiant color. Why not?

Because for a flower, blooming is simply the natural and right thing to do. Flowers are supposed to bloom.  It’s “God’s plan.”  Nature doesn’t want the flower to be modest.

In reality there is no lack of modesty in the flower realizing its full potential and
opening up to the sunlight to show off all of its dazzling color.
And it’s exactly the same for you.

Look, I realize that this might sound like some new-agey, mumbo-jumbo. It’s not.
If you are totally honest with yourself, you have to admit that part of the reason that you’re not enjoying fully blooming into the person that you COULD BE is that on some level you don’t believe that you DESERVE it.
You feel like suddenly losing weight, getting into shape, taking care of your body, and becoming beautiful would make you shallow or beauty obsessed, or that people would say, “Look at her, all she ever does is show off how HEALTHY she is.”

Are you afraid that you wouldn’t know how to live that life – that it might be hard being beautiful and not having the excuse of being heavy any more?

Maybe you are afraid of being judged unworthy of being beautiful. That is a very destructive (and common) habit that CAN be broken. The truth is, God, or nature, or evolution, or whatever you believe made the rules of the universe… WANTS you to bloom.

Like the flower, that’s what you are SUPPOSED to do.

I’m going to tell you an important, life changing secret:

It is not arrogant to bloom.
If you could learn to actually believe this one little thing about yourself, it would DRAMATICALLY change the quality of your life and it would make it much easier for you to achieve your health and body goals (not to mention your financial
and relationship goals as well).

So I’d like you to ask yourself– do YOU think that it’s arrogant to bloom?

Is it shallow or selfish to want to be beautiful, or want to achieve the very best body,
the very best health, the very best of everything you can be? When I lay it out like that, I know that in your heart you probably have some uneasy feelings that maybe it IS a bit selfish to want to be beautiful.
If you believe in something bigger than yourself, do you think that you were created and given a spirit and an AWARENESS of your spirit just so that you could live a life of internal and constant struggle?
If you believe in evolution, do you think that millions of years of trial, error, survival, and reproduction were all so that you could just “get by,” or rather so that you could PROSPER and be the most successful and best human animal that you
could be?

If you believe in karma, physics, mother nature, or ANYTHING else, if you have anything in your life that lets you zoom out and see the big picture of life, then you must see that it is your DESTINY to be the BEST YOU that you can be.

It is what the world needs from you.  If you don’t do it, no one else will do it for you.
Let me say that again…


There has NEVER been a person that is exactly like you.  You are a unique individual with a unique story. Your life cannot be replaced, nor can it be repeated. If you don’t realize your potential, if YOU don’t grow to your fullest, there will never be another opportunity, and it will be lost forever.

Your life is ready and waiting to bloom.  Give yourself permission to reach for the sunlight. If you could talk yourself into this one idea, if you could honestly believe in the depths of your heart that it is not arrogant to bloom, that it is not AT ALL selfish to want health, beauty, success, and happiness on EVERY level…

…If you honestly believed that it would be a VIRTUE to bloom, like the flower, giving your gifts to the world…

…If you could change that one idea in your mind, it would be MUCH easier to achieve and keep ALL your goals in life.  Especially your health, fitness, and weight goals.

I KNOW it works, because I am the proof along with all of the friends and clients of mine who have succeeded by changing their mindset about this one thing.

It’s possible for you too.

Enjoy blooming.