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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Emotional Intelligence

This got to be one of my favorite topic- Emotional Intelligence. My Emotional Intelligence is my level of awareness of my emotional state of being. Emotional Intelligence is a measure of my ability to be Emotional with conscious-awareness. Being Emotional is consciously knowing, seeing and/or feeling my own personal energetic state of being. Being Emotional is not being emotionally reactive. Reacting in a negative emotional state i.e. anger, frustration, intolerance, is a sign of non-awareness, ignorance and an absence of emotional intelligence.

We react with a low level of emotional intelligence and we are able to respond positively with a high level of emotional intelligence.

For me, emotional Intelligence is knowing my own exclusive level of Self-Confidence to make my own choices with authority; feeling my own unique level of Self-Worth that gives me the power to fulfill my own choices; seeing my own individual level of Self-Esteem that results from having the special ability to connect to my own unique power and exclusive authority.

Recently, I have just learned that there is a direct correlation between emotional intelligence and sexual gratification in women. It was said that Emotional Intelligence seems to have a direct impact on women’s sexual functioning by influencing her ability to communicate her sexual expectations and desires to her partner. I can see that if one has a high EQ, he becomes an achiever in many things.

If I were to tell you that there’s one thing you can do for yourself that will put you miles ahead of the masses, in terms of your professional and personal success, would you want to know what it is? I bet you would, and who wouldn’t? Truth be told, the #1 predictor of personal excellence and overall achievement in life is E.I., and I’m not talking about Employment Insurance. E.I. stands for Emotional Intelligence.

In all honesty when I first heard of emotional intelligence I thought it was all “fluff”, but the more I read, the more I discovered it was anything but “fluff”. Furthermore, unlike our I.Q. and personality, which are primarily fixed, emotional intelligence is not. Emotional intelligence is flexible. We can actually change our emotional intelligence, and there’s plenty of reasons to do so.

A common misconception is that EQ refers to being “touchy feely” and “kissing butt”, and a lot of people are repulsed by these thoughts. However, EQ is really your ability to recognize and understand emotions in yourself and others. It also includes your ability to manage your behavior, and relationships. There are really four main skills that make up Emotional Intelligence. The first two, self-awareness and self management are more about you. This makes good sense if you think about it. After all, if you can’t manage yourself and your own feelings and reactions, it’s pretty hard to do so for others. The latter two skills involved in Emotional Intelligence are social awareness, and relationship management. These skills deal primarily with your ability to relate to and understand others. Once again if you’ve ever worked for a tyrannical boss, or somebody who is just plain old hard to get along with, you know what I’m talking about.

The old saying, “It’s not what you know but who you know that counts”, has been around for years. But is there any truth to that statement? Absolutely! Life is all about relationships, and relationships are all about emotional intelligence. Look at it this way. If you were the boss and had to pick people to work for you, would you select people who are difficult to work with, or that you don’t like or get along with – of course you wouldn’t because you’re  human. And it’s our emotions that make us human. No matter how much we like to think that we are rational beings, we are driven by our emotions, and countless studies back this up.

Rest assured that “kissing butt” has nothing to do with emotional intelligence, and emotional intelligence has everything to do with your success. EI is so critical to success that it accounts for 58 per cent of performance in all types of jobs.

Do yourself a favor and pick up one of dozens of excellent books that have been written on EI. With a bit of reading and a little practice, people will be wondering  how you became so successful. Unfortunately for them, they’ll think it has everything to do with your IQ, but you’ll know better!

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